Saturday, August 18, 2012

Shaklee Saturday

Joint & Muscle Pain Cream
Today I want to tell you all about this amazing product.  I love it.  As a massage therapist, I trust this product and when clients come in to see me, I ask if they would like some on the problem area.  It is safe and kid friendly too.  SwimChick and BallBoy have asked me to put it on their sore muscles after meets, practice or games.  You all know I sell the stuff, but I wanted to share a testimony from a friend of mine:

It was another Friday night at the gym watching my daughter practice and all was going well. I looked over at one of her teammates talking to her mom.  She was holding her arm and crying. I went over to see what was going on. The gymnast told her mother that her shoulder was hurting and that she could not even raise her arm to scratch her nose. I asked the mother if she would like to try what I use on my aches and pains. She said she would give it a try because there was a big gymnastics meet the next day. She rubbed the joint and muscle cream on her daughter's shoulder.   

Then, I sat back and watched this little dynamo start rotating her arm around slowly at first and then faster and faster.  She ended up going back out to the gym to finish the practice. The next morning, I asked the mother how her daughter was feeling. She said she was a little sore and stiff, so I offered her the joint and muscle cream again. The mom said "yes" and put it on her daughters shoulder again.  Her daughter went out to compete, and she did fantastic. 

She ended up taking first place on all four events and placed first in the all around while setting the scoring record of the gym for her level!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bob Kofoed

Thanks Bob, what a great story.  I know my running will be easier to recover from with this on my shelf too.  

Off n Running,

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What are you running for?

I signed up to receive a quote of the day from  This is today's quote:

"I believe in using races as motivators. It's hard to keep an exercise program if you don't have a significant goal in sight."

Bob Greene, fitness instructor

I had to share and blog about it, because it still truly amazes me how much everything is connected in life, and this quote just fits with my life at the moment.

A few weeks back, I went for a run into the park near my house.  Depending on the device I am using, it is roughly a 3 mile loop from the house into and around the park and back.  It was later than my usually 5:30am run, and in my opinion the park was crowded!  LOL.  (There are about 3 people I usually see on my runs, that day there were more than 3!)  As I ran my loop I was passing walkers and saying good morning, and then up ahead I came across a lady running.  When I got to her, I said good morning, and commented on the cooler weather.  It was not 75 at 7am!  She fell in step with my pace and we chatted for the next few miles.  I found out that she has a Husky, named Jake.  She is an early riser like me and enjoys running.  She gave me her email and phone number and we decided to stay in touch.

I emailed her as soon as I got home!  I have lived in my neighborhood for 11 years, and this was the first time I found an early riser who wants to run.  I couldn't let this one get away.  Mrs. H and I have been meeting at 6am for the past 3 or 4 weeks.  During our runs we chat about our families and work and it helps the time go faster.  One day I mentioned that I would like to run another half marathon.  I have not been on a regular running routine in years. (12 years ago I was training for the Flying Pig Marathon and my running partner had to have foot surgery.  Then we found out we were having a baby and I hung up my shoes.  Bad decision, but I will have to tell that story another day!)  I had been eying up the Tyrenena Beer Run, but had not committed to it yet.  She was game, so we are now officially signed up to run the half barrel race on November 3, 2012.  

This quote says he uses races as motivation.  I am motivated to finish my second half marathon.  Mrs. H is helping me achieve the goal.   We are following this program that she found.  We need to find a 10K in September as part of our training, got any suggestions?

I am excited to be running again, for real.  I have dabbled in running for the past 11 years.  SwimChick's birth changed so much in my life.  I love my kids and they are old enough now that I can start to focus on me.  Running has been a part of me for a long time.  (My 25 year High School class reunion was this summer!)  I became a runner as a freshmen in High School.  It wasn't until I joined the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire track team in the fall of 1987, that I understood running.  I miss that time out on a run with my friends and my thoughts.  I miss the way my body looked too.  As the quote states, I need a race to keep me motivated.  Having a running partner again, helps too!

Mrs. H, thanks for being in the park that day and becoming my running partner.  I look forward to our early morning runs and chats.  Thanks!

Off n Running,

Friday, August 3, 2012

101 in 1001 Update

Well, I have not forgotten about my list, I just have not been very good at updating it!

If you go to the link at the top of this page you will see that I have crossed out the items that I have completed.  Some of them are still in the works and some I am not sure that I still want to do.  But I made this list and we will move on from there.

Here are some more photos from Brewer games we went to this year (2012): 
Outside Miller Park in May.  Just me and the kiddos.
Gotta love the Racing Sausages!

I like this shot, might have to remember it for the Christmas Card this year. 

More Racing Sausages!!!!

Practicing his pitching!

I have crossed off #39!  I took the kids to a Brewer Game with the MOMS Club on half price day, May 23, 2012.  Then my parents took us as a whole family to a night game on July 2, 2012.  Both games were fun.  The photos above are from the day game.  We walked around the concourse and did some fun stuff for a bit. 

Off n Running,

Thursday, August 2, 2012

How is your bucket list coming along?

Happy August to you all,

We have had a busy summer.  Baseball, swim practice, dance, ...  That is just the stuff we HAD to do.  We have been taking time to have fun too.  We have been babysitting the neighbor kids this summer too.

Just before school let out in the spring, I had the kids write down 10 things they wanted to do this summer.  We have done some of the items and since it is the beginning of August, I thought I would post some of what we have done.

They both listed swimming, visit the farm, go to Great America, go to the zoo...  Enjoy.

I will post a few photos here...

Ballboy at bat, early in the season.  Nice green grass there.

Swimchick and Dancing Princess at a Girl Scout 100 Year Celebration at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, WI.
In May, I registered Dancing Princess for Girl Scouts.  She is so excited.  She gets to be like the big girls now. 

At a beach on Lake Michigan, playing in the sand.

 We went to a Nature Center.  Here the kids are looking for frogs in one of the dried up ponds.   

 We ate lunch there too.

We then went on a walk to the tower, it was all enclosed so not too scary!  It was a fun day.

Playing at the mall fountain is always fun.  Especially on these crazy hot days!

Grandma & Grandpa took us to a Brewer Game.  It was great, we stayed the WHOLE game AND they won!!!

Sleepy boy!  Got up early and fell back asleep on the couch.  We have had the air conditioner running, so he was cold and snuggled into his Chess blanket.

Our latest adventure was a trip to Six Flags Great America.  We had fun, even though we spent more time in line than on rides.  Got to cross off this activity on their 10 things they want to do this summer!

Off n Running to another fun activity!