Sunday, October 7, 2012

When did it become October?

I can't believe how quickly this year has gone by.  One month ago today, I was sitting in orientation for the K5 program at school.  My baby is getting on the bus every day, and I think she is enjoying it a lot.  I think she likes the ride home on Thursday's the best.  On Thursday's, ChessMaster gets out of school early to go to chess practice, so Dancing Princess has to come home on the bus all by herself.  (sigh!)  They grow up too fast.
Waiting for the school bus, September 6, 2012

This has been the prettiest fall that I can remember.  And the colors on the trees has lingered!  Seems the leaves started to change two weeks ago, and are just now starting to fall to the ground.  Thanks Mother Nature for the beautiful scenery.  And the warmer temps.  I got to hang out some towels on my clothes line yesterday, and they dried before the bit of rain came.  I hope there are a few more clothes line days left in the month.  I wouldn't mind if it was still above 50 degrees at 5am, but I am getting used to my new running routine too!

What is your take on the drought?  Will we be having a warmer and drier winter?  My kids are praying for lots of snow so we can go to the farm and sled on the drive-way!  We will have to wait a few months to see, but I am afraid we are going to have a warm winter again this year with not too many snow days.

What does your October look like?  Chess Master is playing soccer, so most of the rest of this month we have games on Saturday and Sunday.  Swim Chick starts short course season meets next week.  Dancing Princess wants to start at a real dance school, we are currently not dancing at a studio with a teacher.  She is only dancing every chance she gets in the house and out of it!  To music on the radio, TV or just in her head.  She loves to dance!  We also have Parent Teacher Conferences at school next week, don't forget the Halloween Parties and Trick or Treating, Scouting stuff...

Happy October to you!

Off N Running,

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Book Review: Cliques, Hicks and Ugly Sticks

Cliques, Hicks, and Ugly Sticks (The Confessions of April Grace)  by KD McCrite


Book Description

December 6, 2011 8 and upThe Confessions of April Grace (Book 2)
Just when April Grace thought the drama was over . . .
After an automobile accident, Isabel St. James—resident drama coach and drama queen—needs help putting together the church play. Mama insists April Grace and Myra Sue will help. April’s fall is now devoted to spending every afternoon with Isabel and Myra Sue—if anyone is as big of a drama queen as Isabel, it’s Myra Sue. Plus, she’s dumb. (Okay, not dumb, but "older sister dumb.") If that’s not enough, Isabel is wreaking havoc in the community trying to get Rough Creek Road paved, the new boy at school will not leave her alone, and then Mama drops the biggest bombshell of all . . . April Grace is no longer going to be the baby of the family . . .
Girls will completely relate to April and love her sense of humor as she deals with siblings, boys, and the many changes that come with growing up.  ~from


I received this book to review from the folks at  I read it last fall or maybe it was in the Spring, I don't remember.  I do know that I thought SwimChick would like it, but she has not read it yet.  In time, I don't know that I read everything my mom suggested for me when I was her age either. 


It was so long ago that I read the book, and now that I borrowed it out, I am not sure I can give it a proper review.  I really did enjoy this book.  I liked the drama of the older sister, and how they connected during times of worry and family strife.  It reminded me of belonging to a close knit family!  I think any middle schooler/tween would like it as well.  I give it 4 out of 5 stars, only because I can't remember the whole story now.  Enjoy.

Off n Running,



Women of Faith Event


I just returned from the 2012 Women of Faith Event here in Milwaukee.  This year I did not attend as a guest, I opted to volunteer.  If you attend as a guest, you must first purchase a ticket.  This year they offered the $99 ticket, plus a $10 box lunch option.  The fee for the ticket was more if you wanted to sit on the floor level and less if you got a big group to come with you.  I saw on the web that there was a free option if you volunteer.  That is my price range, LOL!  So, some months back I filled out the paperwork and signed up to be part of the ARENA TEAM.  I assumed that meant I would be inside the arena and get to see all the action.

It was a fantastic line up this year.  The theme in Milwaukee, WI was Celebrate What Matters.  Patsy Clairemont was back with her friends, Marilyn Meberg, Sandi Patty, Mandisa and Andy Andrews.  She also brought some new friends, Brenda Warner, Elisa Morgan and Amy Grant.  I was really looking forward to see all the them.  I prayed that Mandisa was going to get us moving this morning with her GOOD MORNING song...

The event actually started last night.  I arrived at 3:30 to get orientation and check in completed.  I was then assigned to the Arena Team.  There were 9 of us!  Nine?  Really?  And I was one of 4 women!  "What did I do?"  I thought.  (I was thinking that a lot last night!)  Our first assignment was to place programs onto the seats for the attendees.  Once finished with that there was a big waiting around period before the doors opened, and our next assignment was to hand out a flyer with next years date on there.


We were then free to go in and listen until about 9pm, we had to get some more stuff to hand out.  I did get to see some of Mandisa's concert last night.  FANTASTIC, the 3 songs I heard anyway!

I didn't sleep well, I won't bore you with that...  Overslept today and go to the arena 10 minutes late.  No worries, we were given more flyers to hand out.  Then were told to meet at 10, right in the middle of Patsy and Marilyn's sessions.  I like those ladies and missed hearing them.  :(  Marilyn did mention that this will be her last season with WoF.  God bless you and keep you in His light on your next adventure Marilyn!  I missed about 2 hours of the event when I had to help hand out the lunches.  I got to mingle with the other helpers, but missed these speakers.  The upside is that my lunch was yummy and paid for by the conference.  Then we were free for about 3 hours.  I got to hear Brenda Warner speak and am looking forward to reading her book now! I also got to hear most of Amy Grant's concert.  She was fantastic.

Overall, I am not sure that I want to volunteer again in the near future.  Not until I get some serious soul healing anyway.  I do want to attend next year with a group of my family and friends.  So mark you calendars and start saving your money ladies, I will be organizing something in the new year!!!!

Off N Running,