Not sure who read my post on this great eBook and the challenge I was going to do.
Well, I started and had very good intentions BUT...?!?!?! I don't know where I am with this. And I am afraid to tell you that I only read the book to day 4, I think. I have not taken any photos lately of the progress and I knew that it would not get done in 21 days. With that being said, I am going to update you all now. :)
Sometime since declaring that I was doing this challenge, the holiday stuff started to happen. My children are wanting bigger and better items from us and Santa. I mentioned one morning to ChessMaster that maybe he would like to try to sell some of the things he no longer plays with and wouldn't want to keep for his little cousins or own children some day. (They play with toys that were mine when I was their age, so we have talked about this!) He thought that would be ok. So, we started with the Fisher Price Little People Noah's Ark. He got this when he was a year old. He got most of the animal sets too. (Thank you God-Parents!) I suggested he set it up and we could take a photo. He had it all set up nice and cute, and... we can't find Noah. How can we give away the ark and animals without Noah? The great search began. My DH even got involved. We took all the boxes of toys down from the shelves, out of the toy box and dug through them. This allowed us to sort EVERYTHING and toss some stuff, donate others. No Noah! We even dug around in the box outside. He will show up, to this day we still can't find him, maybe he likes our house and doesn't want to be sold?
I did organized the shelves in the "pantry" area. I moved the boxes of fabric and craft stuff away from that area. Moved the crafts off the smaller shelf, donated some craft books and started more pantry shelves there. I also defrosted the freezer. It looks empty now. Wishing I had more yummy fruits and veggies to put into it. Next spring and summer won't come soon enough.
I did get a start on the corner with the boxes and boxes of clothes and stuff, but now some Christmas items are hiding in that area and will have to wait. LOL!
It is a start and if I get a chance I will take some photos of the progress. The new year is coming, I think one of my goals is to read this book through and honestly do the challenge. Will I continue the basement project with my next challenge or pick a new project? Hhhmmm, I have a few days to decide, stay tuned to find out.
Off n Running,
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