Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Found this old post...Spring is coming

Today is August  8, 2013.  I found this as a draft from sometime in the Spring of the year?!?!

I must apologize for being gone for so long.  I have been off n running with work and the kids, I have not made time to blog.  I am sorry and do pray that everything in your world has been going smoothly with out me!

Over the next few days and weeks I am hoping to get back into a routine that includes time to blog.  I am not promising daily but a few a week would be much better than where I am now.  LOL!

So what have I been up to, well a lot of everything really.  Back in January I went to a conference for Shakelee with my upline.  It was AMAZING!  I got to see my Shaklee Family and hear some great testimonies and advice from our team.  Dr. Richard Brouse presented and I was impressed with this mans knowledge on several levels.  He was fortunate to meet and work with Dr. Shaklee himself.  How cool is that?  I would love to learn what this man knows.  Wouldn't you know that is possible?!?!  He has online nutrition courses.  The basic class is $100 ish.  I am saving up!

Some time in January, I was told about Dave Ramsey.  Have you heard of him?  I had not.  I went to the public library and got all the books by him I could find.  My husband read them first and something clicked.  We are now doing the baby steps and living like no one else, so we can live like no one else!  I will blog more about this another day!

In February, I was having lunch with my friend from Penny Pinching Boutique.  She has been losing weight and looking fabulous!!!!!  Anyway, at lunch we started talking about running.  She has never run a race that she remembers anyway.  She would like to do one.  We started searching and I think she has committed to the Rock N sole 5k on June.  I was giving her some other tips and will share all this here too.  [UPDATE: My friend finished the 5K in under 34 minutes!  She has signed up for the Brewer Mini 10K in September.  We have also signed up for the Tinkerbell Half Marathon in January 2014 in CA.  WOO HOO!!!!]

Which brings me to where I am today.  I am at a cross roads of sorts.  I started this blog to keep in touch with family and friends.  (Honestly not sure how many of them even know I had a blog.). Then I got a few followers and some thought this was a running only blog.  So sorry to disappoint those folks, but since then I found Running Diva Mom and have been inspired to change my ways, thus the cross roads.  I am looking for a new or additional career.  I celebrated my 19th year anniversary of being a massage therapist in February.  I am currently working 3 days a week doing that and my body is feeling it!  I also love to run and help others with that.  I went to college and have a Bachelors in Kinesiology but never pursued more with that, just the massage schooling.  Dancing Princess is in all day every day school now.  I have enjoyed my "free time" but need to help with our money baby steps.  What I am asking you all to do is pray for me and that I make the right decision for my/our future.

I am looking at becoming a personal trainer.  And adding nutrition to that along with becoming a yoga instructor!  Whew!  I did it, I wrote it out for all to see.  Along the way I would like to help my friends, family and strangers reach their health and fitness goals.  I would also like to commit to a few half marathons, 5 & 10 K's myself.  [UPDATE:  I ran the Summerfest Rock N Sole Half Marathon in June. I finished in 1:59!  I ran the Run 4 The Paws 5K in 24.42.  I did Storm the Bastille in 26minutes with my PPB friend!  I did a private company race: Roots & Wings 5K don't know my finish time but had a blast!!!!  The kids and I are running The Color Run on August 11.  I am running the Madison Mini (half) Marathon the next week.  I am doing the Brewer Mini Marathon in September.  That is all that is on the calendar so far!!!!]

In the days, weeks and months to follow, I will be writing about all of this and more.  I look forward to my new blogging journey and working out the details of a new career.

Cheers to you and your health too.
Off n running,

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