Saturday, January 17, 2015

Chatching up

Happy January 17!  I have been meaning to post more and here we are 17 days into the new year and this is my first post.  Such is life.

SO, I just saw that I never posted about our trip to Disney in November.  I have not updated about my dad, or myself.  I will spend the next few days doing that.  I never posted about my New Year Goals or resolutions...

Here we go.  I will start out with my arm.

Here is a picture of the fracture(s) in my radius.  If you look closely, you can see the bone fragments are sort of all over the place!

Here is what happened, as I remember it:  Early in the day, 8:00am-ish, we got a drizzle rain.  I was going to work, at the office job I picked up (another thing I should update you all on!)  Anyway, the rain was freezing on my windshield.  At the office, I saw lots of slow moving vehicals and when I left for the day, the salt had been applied.

I DID NOT GET UP AND RUN IN THE MORNING!!!!!  So, I went home put on my running gear, picked up kids, dropped off kids, per our normal Thursday after school routine.  I was going out the door around 6pm, to pick up kids and WHAM!!! I fell literally right on my face!!!!!   I am not joking here, all I remember is my right knee hitting the pavement and K-POW my forehead hit next.  As I lay there, I thought, "Don't passout, don't passout, don't passout..."  Then my next thought was, "I have to get up, I am probably bleeding profusely from my forehead.  OH GREAT!'  And don't forget the thougthts of, "Oh, crap, I put a hole in my favorite running pants!"

When I did try to get up to assess the damage, I couldn't use my left hand normally.  It felt weird, like my fingers weren't connected anymore.  My sleeve had gotten pushed up a bit, and I saw my wrist/arm didn't look right.  There was this curve in there, where it is normally straight.  "Now, what?" I thought.  My husband was in the house, and I screamed and reached for my phone, cuz I wasn't sure if he could hear me.  He came out and instead of the sympathetic "Oh my, are you ok? What happened?" you would like to think you would get from your loved ones, I got:  "Honey, you just warned everyone about the driveway being slippery, what were you thinking?"  That made me feel SOOOO much better!  He came out and I told him to be careful, and I helped me up.  My head was kind of hurting and my arm didn't feel right.  I wasn't sure what was going to happen.

We got me inside, found a ride home for the kids I was supposed to go get, put some ice on my arm, called a neighbor to come be with the kids and went to the ER.  They were impressed with our make-shift splint of a couple of CD cases and a kitchen towel.  (Sorry, no photo of that!)

The x-ray above was taken that night.  We saw Dr. Nicholas Webber the next day and couldn't get in to do surgery until the Tuesday after that!  The blog post from Dec 19, is the photo of the splint I got in the ER.

Surgery was on December 23, scheduled for 4:30 in the afternoon.  I didn't get taken in until about 5:30.  I was blessed with this lovely plate and 9 screws that night.

I do not come out of anesthisia very well.  My husband kept trying to get me to wake up and move around so that we could get home.  It was funny, from what I remember.  They wanted me to eat and walk before going home.  I took about two bites of sherbert and fell asleep.  Hubby let me sleep about 30 more mintues, and I thought is was 5, came in and asked that I just try to stay awake for the next 2 minutes.  Um, sure right!  I just wanted to sleep.  Seriously, that was a crazy night.  We got up and going, sort of, and made it home around 10:30pm.

So now I have this stuff in my arm.  I was given a soft splint and an appointment to see the Doc again in a few weeks.

On January 6, I went to the office and the soft splint came off, they took these x-rays to see how I was healing.  Because I am a massage therapist, the doc put me in a hard cast, to allow the bone to heal up to perfection, so that I can go bck to doing massage in the future.

Every day it feels a bit better.  Today, my fingers are a little swollen, but I am typing on the computer with the broken arm!  And I feel no pain doing that, at the moment.  I might need a nap in between writing all these posts I want to write to catch you all up on stuff!  LOL.

The end result, of course I picked purple, my favorite color!!!

I get this cast off on February 6.  I asked about running and the nurse said I had to wait a bit longer, walking is fine (Does she know how tourcherous it is for me to walk on a treadmill verses running on one?!?!?!)

I have been seriously going through withdrawls, just ask my kids.  I am WAY behind on my 2015 in 2015 challenge, too!  I will tell you all about that later.  :)

Off n Running,


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