Thursday, April 10, 2014

Race Calendar for 2014

I know it is already April, and I should have put this up a couple of months ago, but here it is as of today!

I have been slowly getting my act together here and will be adding some races yet.  I did officailly sign up for the Badgerland Strider Challenge AND 14 in 2014 challenge over at Jill's site.  I will mark my races and let you know how I am doing here as well.  SO here it is…

January 19, Tinkerbell Half in California^

April 5, South Shore Half* in Milwaukee, WI

May 10, Cupcake Run 5K in Bayside, WI

June 11, Super Run 5K* in Milwaukee, WI
June 14, Hartfest Half* in Wauwautosa, WI

July 4, Firecracker 4* in Hales Corners
July 5, Run 4 the Paws in Crandon, WI  Sign up here!
July 27, Cudahy Classic 10 Mile* 

August 16 ?Madison Mini?  Thinking about joining two friends here.  Not sure yet if I will run this or not.
August 23, Strider Half Marathon* in Milwaukee, WI

September 6, Tosa-fest 5K* in Wauwautosa, WI

October 25, Lakefront Discovery Run 15K* on Milwaukee, WI

November 9, Jingle Jungle 5k with RunDisney in Florida
November 9, Wine & Dine Half wiht RunDisney in Florida^

*  These are the races in the Badgerland Strider Challenge
^  These are the races in the runDisney Coast to Coast Challenge

Monday, April 7, 2014

South Shore Half Marathon

Me with my neighbor, best mother runner, Paula just before the run started.

So back in January, I had time to read through my running club newsletter.  I had seen in the past that they host a challenge and they are doing it again this year.  The challenge is to complete 8 of 9 races they host starting in January and ending in November.  (They host and sponsor many races, there are 9 specific races to choose from for this challenge!). I got out my calendar and there was only a conflict with the November race!!!!  I was in!!!!!

So Saturday April 5, was the first of the races/runs in this challenge.  It was tough but I had my Best Running Friend with me every step of the way.  

*Side note: I started physical therapy on my hip/leg last week.  If you didn't know, I pulled something in my butt last summer.  I vowed, in February, to get it figured out and found a place...FINALLY!  So I am doing my exercises and the therapist adjusted something in my right hip, that I probably messed up on Saturday!

I have always said that you learn something at every race.  This time I relearned that I really need to follow a training plan!  Paula was kind enough to stay with me for the entire race, we crossed the finish together- IT WAS AWESOME!  Then we had to crawl up a hill and hobble back to our car!  We are both sore still today.  Lesson learned by both of us.

For not training and being injured, I am proud to say we finished in 2 hours and 11 minutes. And I have my first run of the challenge completed!  Woo hoo!!!!!!