Thursday, August 2, 2012

How is your bucket list coming along?

Happy August to you all,

We have had a busy summer.  Baseball, swim practice, dance, ...  That is just the stuff we HAD to do.  We have been taking time to have fun too.  We have been babysitting the neighbor kids this summer too.

Just before school let out in the spring, I had the kids write down 10 things they wanted to do this summer.  We have done some of the items and since it is the beginning of August, I thought I would post some of what we have done.

They both listed swimming, visit the farm, go to Great America, go to the zoo...  Enjoy.

I will post a few photos here...

Ballboy at bat, early in the season.  Nice green grass there.

Swimchick and Dancing Princess at a Girl Scout 100 Year Celebration at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, WI.
In May, I registered Dancing Princess for Girl Scouts.  She is so excited.  She gets to be like the big girls now. 

At a beach on Lake Michigan, playing in the sand.

 We went to a Nature Center.  Here the kids are looking for frogs in one of the dried up ponds.   

 We ate lunch there too.

We then went on a walk to the tower, it was all enclosed so not too scary!  It was a fun day.

Playing at the mall fountain is always fun.  Especially on these crazy hot days!

Grandma & Grandpa took us to a Brewer Game.  It was great, we stayed the WHOLE game AND they won!!!

Sleepy boy!  Got up early and fell back asleep on the couch.  We have had the air conditioner running, so he was cold and snuggled into his Chess blanket.

Our latest adventure was a trip to Six Flags Great America.  We had fun, even though we spent more time in line than on rides.  Got to cross off this activity on their 10 things they want to do this summer!

Off n Running to another fun activity!


  1. Love! So glad you liked the idea!

    1. We stole the 10 things a few years ago. Unlike you, we don't always get to them. I am also toying with the idea of having them sit down in December to write up a 10 thinkgs to do this year list, so we get more time to plan and do! Some of their ideas just don't work with our schedule. :(


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